Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Beyond the Clipboard...

I have this darling friend named Camilla and one of my MOST favorite principles of love and service I learned during Eric's battle was from her and her husband.  I've been excited to share this story with you and was glad when I woke up this morning with the feeling that today was the day to get it written down.

The Relief Society is the Women's Organization of the LDS Church.  Worldwide, it has about 6 million members and is one of the oldest and largest Women's Organizations in the World. I've been part of this amazing sisterhood for nearly 20 years now; it's a huge part of my life and where most of my dearest relationships are formed.  It's not just an educational part of church where the women are taught and instructed in a one hour meeting on Sundays; another primary function of the group is to offer relief to others, just like the title states.  So, it was no surprise when Eric was originally diagnosed in 2012, these ladies where immediately on the job!  Calling, checking in, stopping by, offering help in many ways... they kept me in great supply of my beloved Diet Cokes, even dropped by cookie dough and treats for the kids.  Probably most importantly, by being present... it seemed someone was always there when I needed to cry. They also offered to bring in meals on Fridays through that first Summer.  Although I hesitated, (as no one EVER wants to have THEIR name on a clipboard...) but deep down I knew it would be a welcomed relief when the meals were delivered.  As soon as I gave the go-ahead... they wasted no time getting organized and the next time they met, they passed around a sign-up sheet on a clipboard with about 12 Fridays laid out on the list.

I wasn't in there that day - as my volunteer assignment had me on the other side of the building with the children - but what I heard both warmed my heart and taught me a lesson I will never forget.  My friend Camilla called me later that afternoon and explained to me what had happened.  As is customary when announcements are made at the beginning of the meeting, the clipboard and "the plan" to help was announced to the group.  The sign-up sheet was then passed around and by the time it got to Camilla's row, all 12 Fridays had been filled.  I wish you could hear the cute animation in her darling Brazilian accent as she relayed to me how she reacted to this list being full.   She said something like, "I was so mad!  I'd been waiting for an opportunity to help and when the clipboard moved about the room I was anxiously waiting for my turn to pick a week.  When it got to me, it was filled!  I thought to myself - WHAT?!!  I have to wait clear until September to feed the Bomsta's?!! No way, I am so mad!!"  She continued to tell me that on the way home from church that day she complained to her husband that BECAUSE SHE WAS SITTING IN THE BACK OF THE ROOM she lost her opportunity to help and was mad the days had been grabbed so quickly.  Had she known, she'd have sat right in the front!

Lovingly, and perfectly... her husband said to her, "Camilla.  Do you think the Bomsta's eat on other days of the week?  I'm just thinking out loud here... but maybe you could just call her and offer to bring in a meal on another day.  I don't know... like on a Wednesday?"

Oh my word!  As she was telling me this whole story, we were both laughing and I could see the whole thing "going down" in my mind.  What a fun sight... it not only relieved my worry about being a burden to others, it helped me see how many willing friends were around us... just waiting for a turn to help.  I love her sweet husband for pointing out, in such a sweet way... that a whole new level of angelic service is going beyond the clipboard.

Camilla, on the errand of angels, brought us a delicious, authentic Brazilian feast just a few days later...  

"When we speak of those who are instruments in the hand of God, we are reminded that not all angels are from the other side of the veil. Some of them we walk with and talk with — here, now, every day. Some of them reside in our own neighborhoods. ... Indeed heaven never seems closer than when we see the love of God manifested in the kindness and devotion of people so good and so pure that angelic is the only word that comes to mind." - Elder Holland, LDS Church Apostle



  1. I love this story! I think it's important to ask when we can help instead if how. In doing so, we've made the commitment to help instead of just offering. Thanks so much for sharing, Colette. XO

    1. I LOVED it when someone was more specific with an offer... made it so much easier on me. Great comment!

  2. I love this story! I was just recently called as Compassionate Service Leader in my ward, so I get to be the "clipboard passer" that hopes enough of the slots get filled to make a difference. Wouldn't it be great if we all found opportunities to serve rather than waiting for the clipboard to come around? I know I appreciate the service even more when you know it really comes from the heart and not because someone felt obligated to sign up. This is my goal in life, to find (and act) on more opportunities to serve.

  3. What a great story, and an important lesson. It also goes perfectly with this month's VT lesson!

    1. Haha!! I hadn't looked at it yet... cool, Valerie!! Thank you for telling me!

  4. Thank you for sharing this!

  5. It's so true! We wait for the clipboard - when we should just follow the inspiration and the feelings we already have and just do it! Sometimes, serving by assignment is easier.

    On a personal note - I saw that you commented on Nathan and Tiffany's blog about their recent find of more cancer. Nathan is my husband's nephew. Do you know them - or just from shared experiences? We are so sad that their family is going through this. Dear, sweet Tiffany is just as Nathan describes her when he writes. We love them so much and are so sad they are having to fight this battle. But what a blessing, even if in small measure, it is to know that they are not fighting alone - but, as with your husband, they are surrounded by prayer warriors and friends and and family (and complete strangers) who love and care about them.

    I have followed 'My Computer is My Canvas' for a long time now, and now this one. So even though I don't know you, I feel like I know you. When I saw your name on their comment page - my heart was touched. Thank you.

    1. Hi, Korine! Wow, it really is such a small world! I actually don't know them - I bumped into their blog recently (hopping from one blog to another) and was touched by the similarities to our stories and couldn't help but comment and connect. If you read back here a few posts - Tiffany left me the sweetest note. I wish I knew her personally!

      When Eric had cancer the second time, after 5 months of chemo we did a scan to see if he was ready for transplant and found that the cancer had spread since a previous scan just two months earlier had showed it was responding. We were devastated, not only was he not cleared for transplant, we had to start over with new treatments. He was immediately admitted and underwent his most strenuous treatments he'd had yet. After two months of those - the cancer STILL wasn't giving up - so we had to do a special kind of radiation in NYC to finish it off. It was all brutally devastating - and at times my personal faith took a hit. As I've read Nathan/Tiffany's blog - I can see that their faith is so big, their attitude is so inspiring - I know how it is to be in that spot, yet see the blows just keep coming. I just ache as I know somewhat of what they are facing (although not completely, as each patient is different). I will keep them in the continual prayers that I utter.

      Thank you for being so supportive of me - in all of my realms! I'm happy to count you as a friend... ♥

  6. What a tender experience for all of you! Thanks for sharing:)
